Saturday, May 14, 2016

Pulishising E-Sites with B2B Store Model

IntroductionCreating the the extended sites setup depends upon many factors like the Store model /StorefrontAssetStore/CatalogAssetStore/Store currency/Inventory to be used.

We can refer the high level steps required to be performed to get e-sites published in B2B store model-
First of all we need to have the instance created in the server environment or WCS installation to be done if working in the local setup. Then we need to perform the below steps-

1) Log into WCS Admin Console and publish the ExtendedSitesOrganizationStructure.sar
2) Publishing the extended site hub using ExtendedSitesHub.sar.
3) Publish the Catalog Asset Store using ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore-FEP.sar
4) Publish the Storefront Asset Store using AuroraStorefrontAssetStore.sar.
5) Create the Buyer Organizations using WC Organization Admin Console
6) Create the Seller Organizations using WC Organization Admin Console
7) Create the required esites using WC Accelerator by providing values like storeIdentifier, default currency, store type and payment modes
8) Open the newly created stores using WC Acclerator
9) Create Sales Catalogs for Each Site as per the requirement
10) Load Catalog Data as per the requirement
11) SOLR Setup – SetupSearchIndex, Di-preprocess, Build Search Index

Note: By default SARs may not be available to be published in Admin console, in this case SARs need to be copied into the path defined in wc-server.xml.