Bazaarvoice ratings and reviews in Feture pack 5 & 6
Bazaarvoice is a software-as-a-service provider that offers ratings and reviews functionality to their clients. Support for the Bazaarvoice Ratings and Reviews component is included in the Aurora starter store in FEP 5 & 6 for Bazaarvoice clients.
Integration components
1) Storefront support
The Bazaarvoice JavaScript library is used in the Aurora JSP files to include ratings and review content in your store pages
2) Smart SEO feed
Bazaarvoice makes available a SEO representation of the User Generated Content (UGC) because search engines like Google do not index JavaScript rendered content in the form of ZIP file that contains small HTML files with Smart SEO content for ratings and reviews that are associated with an account.
3) Product catalog feed
Bazaarvoice requires clients to upload a product catalog feed that contains information about the catalog of the store. This data is used to represnet ratings and reviews on storefrfront pages
Bazaarvoice integration includes a tool that extracts the catalog for a store into an XML file. The tool packages the XML file into a ZIP archive, and uploads the archive to your Bazaarvoice FTP or SFTP site, We will look into the componenets which can be modified to get tailor made catalog feed matching the client needs.
Steps to generate product feed for bazaarvoice
1) Copy the WC_installdir/components/foundation/samples/RRDataExtract directory to WC_installdir/samples.
2) Navigate to the WC_installdir/samples/RRDataExtract directory. The file is your property_file and fill the values-
storeId- The ID of the store to extract the product catalog feed from.
wcs.admin.user- WebSphere Commerce site administrator user name.
wcs.admin.password- WebSphere Commerce site administrator password. Your FTP or SFTP account user name for the Bazaarvoice server (bv_username)
bv.user.password(Optional)- Your FTP or SFTP account password for the Bazaarvoice server (bv_password).Encrypt the password with the wcs_encrypt utility.
seo.base.dir (Optional)- The base path into which the Smart SEO content is extracted
data.feed.base.dir- Full path base directory for product catalog feed
langid- The default language for the store.
currency- The default currency for the store.
wc.url.prefix- The WebSphere Commerce Server host_name and preview port, typically 8007 for HTTP and 8006 for HTTPS. This parameter is used to extract data from certain web service URLs for the product catalog feed.
staging- Indicates the environment for which to upload/download content to/from Bazaarvoice.
production- Indicates the environment for which to upload/download content to/from Bazaarvoice.
sftp- Indicates the method of upload or download feed to and from Bazaarvoice. If false, the method is set to FTP.Default value is true.
antivirus (Optional): Command to invoke for antivirus scan of SEO directory.
3) Navigate to the WC_installdir/components/foundation/bin directory and Run the script or batch file according to the envinment to initiate the upload of product catalog feed content to Bazaarvoice.
4) Verify that Bazaarvoice collected and processed the product catalog feed upload.
5) Run the script to initiate the download of Smart SEO content from Bazaarvoice and Verify that the Smart SEO content was downloaded.
Components to customize the catalog feed
Below componenets from the Bazaarvoice feed structure can be customized/modified to generate the tailor made Product Feed-
1) AbstractDataWriter (Class)
2) OutputDataWriter (Class)
3) CatalogEntryCategoryLevelSkuReaderMediator (Mediator class)
4) wc-query-CatalogEntry-admin-get.tpl tpl file
5) performDataExtract.xml (configuration file)
6) wc-dataextract-catalog-entry.xml.template (configuration file)
7) wc-dataextract-catalog-group.xml.template (configuration file)
Bazaarvoice is a software-as-a-service provider that offers ratings and reviews functionality to their clients. Support for the Bazaarvoice Ratings and Reviews component is included in the Aurora starter store in FEP 5 & 6 for Bazaarvoice clients.
Integration components
1) Storefront support
The Bazaarvoice JavaScript library is used in the Aurora JSP files to include ratings and review content in your store pages
2) Smart SEO feed
Bazaarvoice makes available a SEO representation of the User Generated Content (UGC) because search engines like Google do not index JavaScript rendered content in the form of ZIP file that contains small HTML files with Smart SEO content for ratings and reviews that are associated with an account.
3) Product catalog feed
Bazaarvoice requires clients to upload a product catalog feed that contains information about the catalog of the store. This data is used to represnet ratings and reviews on storefrfront pages
Bazaarvoice integration includes a tool that extracts the catalog for a store into an XML file. The tool packages the XML file into a ZIP archive, and uploads the archive to your Bazaarvoice FTP or SFTP site, We will look into the componenets which can be modified to get tailor made catalog feed matching the client needs.
Steps to generate product feed for bazaarvoice
1) Copy the WC_installdir/components/foundation/samples/RRDataExtract directory to WC_installdir/samples.
2) Navigate to the WC_installdir/samples/RRDataExtract directory. The file is your property_file and fill the values-
storeId- The ID of the store to extract the product catalog feed from.
wcs.admin.user- WebSphere Commerce site administrator user name.
wcs.admin.password- WebSphere Commerce site administrator password. Your FTP or SFTP account user name for the Bazaarvoice server (bv_username)
bv.user.password(Optional)- Your FTP or SFTP account password for the Bazaarvoice server (bv_password).Encrypt the password with the wcs_encrypt utility.
seo.base.dir (Optional)- The base path into which the Smart SEO content is extracted
data.feed.base.dir- Full path base directory for product catalog feed
langid- The default language for the store.
currency- The default currency for the store.
wc.url.prefix- The WebSphere Commerce Server host_name and preview port, typically 8007 for HTTP and 8006 for HTTPS. This parameter is used to extract data from certain web service URLs for the product catalog feed.
staging- Indicates the environment for which to upload/download content to/from Bazaarvoice.
production- Indicates the environment for which to upload/download content to/from Bazaarvoice.
sftp- Indicates the method of upload or download feed to and from Bazaarvoice. If false, the method is set to FTP.Default value is true.
antivirus (Optional): Command to invoke for antivirus scan of SEO directory.
3) Navigate to the WC_installdir/components/foundation/bin directory and Run the script or batch file according to the envinment to initiate the upload of product catalog feed content to Bazaarvoice.
4) Verify that Bazaarvoice collected and processed the product catalog feed upload.
5) Run the script to initiate the download of Smart SEO content from Bazaarvoice and Verify that the Smart SEO content was downloaded.
Components to customize the catalog feed
Below componenets from the Bazaarvoice feed structure can be customized/modified to generate the tailor made Product Feed-
1) AbstractDataWriter (Class)
2) OutputDataWriter (Class)
3) CatalogEntryCategoryLevelSkuReaderMediator (Mediator class)
4) wc-query-CatalogEntry-admin-get.tpl tpl file
5) performDataExtract.xml (configuration file)
6) wc-dataextract-catalog-entry.xml.template (configuration file)
7) wc-dataextract-catalog-group.xml.template (configuration file)
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